Chewing gums XyliX®100 studies
XyliX®100 chewing gums are unique because they contain 1g of xylitol per piece.
Healthy teeth - for life!
Xylitol – also known by its English name – is a natural sugar substitute found in vegetables and fruits.
Xylitol has a high anticariogenic (i.e. caries-reducing) effect, forms less acid and promotes remineralization. 6 grams of xylitol per day (i.e. 6 Xylix100 chewing gums) provide effective protection against caries. XyliX®100 chewing gum is sweetened only with xylitol and therefore also suitable for diabetics!
A natural and practical caries protection on the go!
XyliX® technical papers
Results of numerous, independently conducted studies worldwide prove that long-term intake of xylitol is suitable for significantly reducing the undesirable effects of caries-causing bacteria of the Streptococcus mutans group and their tooth-damaging metabolic products.